Monday, August 4, 2014

Ingrid Michaelson.

If you don't know this name I implore you to Google it immediately! But first, let me enlighten you on the subject. If you don't recognize her name hopefully you recognize her hit "Girls Chase Boys", that she released back in February. Since then, "Girls Chase Boys" has been climbing the Billboard Hot 100 and enjoying plenty of play on the radio. The upbeat tempo and sassy lyrics make the song catchy but it's when you truly listen to the lyrics that you realize how bold and badass Ingrid Michaelson is as she sings this song. Lyrics like "You played me now I play you too; Let's just call it over" are making females around the world rejoice as Michaelson kicks the breakup blues to the curb in what is essentially her saying "Whatever! Screw it!" to her ex-lover. These lyrics talk of a woman who is confident, empowered, free, and everything except bitter after a breakup. Who says a breakup always calls for tubs of Ben & Jerry's and tissues?! "I got two hands, one beating heart, And I'll be alright!" sings Michaelson, clearly flippant about the breakup. More power to you, sister! Michaelson then goes a step further in her powerful parade of equality, in the video for the song. In the video, Michaelson sings into a microphone while in the background chiseled men in pink tank tops and a fair share of eye shadow, sashay to the beat; oh and let's not forget the red nail polish either! But wait! Just when you thought this music video would be a silly satire of Robert Palmer's "Simply Irresistible", we see women in similar dress dancing with the men and engaging in the same acts as the men. Equality. Shocker, isn't it? In today's music industry we see a bevy of women being objectified in videos across all genres, but Michaelson kicks that notion right to the side with an entertaining video which adds even more to the already powerful song. Michaelson is just one of many artists turning the tables on old gender stereotypes and injecting life into the current wave of feminism. Which for those who don't know, simply means "belief in equality between the sexes". So if you haven't heard the song or seen the video yet, make sure to check it out in the link below and be on the lookout for more Ingrid Michaelson to come! XOXO

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